I took this picture the day of the Bees baptism. It was a beautiful day just like this one...
So it begins.....again
I completed the 30 day shred in 2010 before I fell pregnant and I really enjoyed it. It was exhausting and challenging but it gave me a brilliant sense of achievement and I lost almost a stone and 7 inches from my waist and hips combined! Fantastic results I'm sure you'll agree.
Now my post baby body isn't fantastic at all, my c section and muscle seperation prevented me from any "hardcore" exercise until I had completed my physiotherapy course. I still do the prescribed exercises at home after the Bee has gone to sleep and during the day when I remember.
So-diddly-o I'm making some summer resolutions in the hope that they will turn out to be life long habits. 30 days to make or break a habit so here goes......
- hold in my stomach muscles (particularly the lower ones) when I pass through a doorway.
- complete the 30 day shred every day it's only 20 minutes so it's totally achievable
- walk for an hour a day with the Bee I do this two or three times a week but need to make it an every day thing. The Bee enjoys being outdoors more than toddler groups and soft play
- take my iron tablets and vitamins every day and stop forgetting them!
- exfoliate three times a week
-moisturise every day
-use up my bio oil to banish those pesky stretchmarks still lingering!
I think these are all pretty achievable goals for the month :) this week will be fun because it's the Bees first birthday and were going to be very busy with various groups and activities we've got planned.
Anyhoozle I'm off to frolic in the sunshine with the Bee and some family and friends. I think weather like this calls for a picnic :D
Thanks for reading and let me know your fitness and beauty goals for the month. Xx
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